What's his arc? What's there to wrap? The scientist pals of his are a bunch of goofs. What are people expecting out of a hypothetical H元, in terms of a 'serious' conclusion? Gordon Freeman, purely as a player vehicle, is the shooty dude who's the one man who can push the button and pull the lever and then shoot some more dudes. It's just interesting trying to find the series' roots with the first.
I have played and finished HL2 and the episodes multiple times, so I 'know' HL.
Every encounter boils down to me running around the map like a mad man, using the SMG for long range strafing, swapping to the shotty for a quick close range blast, then picking off a few guys with the magnum or the crossbow. The movement speed is fast (provided you're sprinting) but the enemies have laser accuracy, there's little to no indication of where health packs are located since they don't glow, so it feels like a turtle play style is favoured, despite the fast running speed.
I'm playing on Black Mesa (medium?) and every time without fail after every encounter i wonder if i played that 'the correct way'. I just got to Xen, and so far terms of gameplay, Half Life feels like a mish mash of Serious Sam, Doom, Duke, etc. So, I'm not trying to be snarky or anything.