Ryu and Ken's sensei, Gouken, also makes his playable-character debut in Street Fighter IV. Abel, a mixed martial arts grapple-style character Crimson Viper a female fighter with sweeping, airborne fire attacks Rufus, a rotund fighter whose body makes him a bit of a sight gag despite his deceptive speed and El Fuerte, a pro wrestler whose rushes and air throws make him a slippery foe. Bison-are back and playable from the outset, and they're joined by six brand-new and diverse characters. Honda, Zangief, Guile, Dhalsim, Balrog, Vega, Sagat, and M. All 12 of the classic world warriors-Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Blanka, E. The Street Fighter fundamentals have remained consistent over the years your job is to knock out the other guy or gal. Now Playing: Street Fighter IV Video Review By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's